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It’s the most wonderful time of the year, **cue the jingle bells and Christmas snowflakes**. Yes SHG, that’s correct. Christmas is upon us. What else is upon us? The annual Black Friday steals and deals.

Black Friday, for those who don’t know, is the Friday after Thanksgiving. Citizens are drawn to stores due to the special offers given by retailers.

Every time you turn on the T.V. now, all you see are commercials for the latest deals and how it’s so important to remember that certain stores open at midnight. There are even pre-Black Friday deals, which kind of defeats the purpose of sales going on for one day only.

black friday
Target employees attempt to split up the fights in the Target parking lot on Black Friday. Source: Google

Some people absolutely worship Black Friday, and look forward to it every year. Others couldn’t honestly care less about Black Friday and refuse to participate. Does Black Friday fit the excitement or is it over-hyped?

The only time I’ve ever gone Black Friday shopping, I saw two ladies fighting over a pair of cheap, $1 flip flops. From that moment, I’ve never gone Black Friday shopping again.

Some people may think I’m crazy. They say, “You’re mad! Think about all the deals and amazing sales you’ve missed. Think about how much money you could’ve saved, and how much clothes and etc. you missed out on.”

But frankly, it’s not worth it. I know I’m not the only one. Junior Michael Donelan says, “With Black Friday, I’m kind of indifferent to it.”

Many individuals just think it’s too hyped up and that’s why they stay away from it. Junior Zach Hoyle says, “It’s hard to say [if Black Friday is overly celebrated] because yes there are great prices, but people freak out about it.”

Others have not had the chance to form an opinion yet. Freshman Jane Reardon has never actually been Black Friday shopping. “I don’t know why I haven’t been Black Friday shopping. I guess I was never old enough or have had the opportunity. Mainly because I can’t drive.”

Personally, I don’t want to have to wake up early, rush to the mall, and worry about if my desired item is sold out or not. Why stress when I can sleep in and order my item from online?

However, there are those who believe in the advantages of Black Friday. For those who love to shop and spend, it’s just another opportunity to do so. Sophomore Madison Fox says, “Of course I love Black Friday because who doesn’t love to shop!?”

In many ways Black Friday is really helpful, especially if you are buying Christmas gifts. Black Friday happens to be a very convenient time of the year for Christmas shopping. Many individuals like to hold off Christmas shopping and get it all done on Black Friday.

Not only are you given a whole day to get all you’re shopping done, but you save money as well. When you look at Black Friday from that aspect, it does make sense as to why there is such hype for it.

Freshman Julia Morehead loves Black Friday. Morehead says, “I love Black Friday because there are great deals and it is just a fun experience.”

Whether you love or hate Black Friday, it is coming up soon. Prepare to roll your eyes at the commercials or get enough rest for a day full of money saving deals!

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