The Great Pipeline Debate

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a controversial add-on to the network that carries oil from Canada to the US. The controversy surrounding the pipeline is that the oil requires a great deal of extra processing due to the different type of oil coming from the pipeline. This extra processing causes about a 20% increase in greenhouse gas emissions compared to other oil sources.

Supporters of the Keystone XL Pipeline say that the add-on will create jobs around the country and decrease dependence on Middle Eastern oil companies. According to ABC News, “Supporters argue that pipelines are a safer method of transporting oil than trains, pointing to recent derailment on both sides of the border, including a 2013 disaster in Canada that killed 47 people.”

Many people around the country however, are protesting the extension of the Keystone XL Pipeline due to the impacts it will have on the environment. Recently, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders took a public stand against the pipeline. “President Barack Obama should reject the Keystone XL oil pipeline before heading to Paris next month to finalize a global climate agreement,” said Sanders. When Sanders voiced his opinion on the issue he spoke for not only himself, but millions of other Americans against the Pipeline.

The independent senator from Vermont said rejecting the pipeline now would show “bold leadership” in the fight to slow climate change, which Sanders called “a major, major, major planetary crisis.” However, there is talk about the Pipeline’s creators requesting a delay in any  construction on the pipeline until 2017, when a new president will be in office.

Sanders says Obama should act now. In his opinion, Obama should deny any requests that may come his way to delay the building of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Obama must act now if he wants to create change and help stop the furthering of greenhouse gas emissions.  Sanders says rejecting the Pipeline proposal would show not only the country, but the world that America is serious about addressing the growing issue of climate change.

Democrats and Republicans will continue to debate over the building of the Keystone XL Pipeline while Obama decides on what action he should take.

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