Get to Know

Seniors Lindsay Finnell and Becca Heath

If you could go to lunch with any celebrity who would it be?

Lindsay: “Florence Welch.”

Becca: “Demi Lovato.”

You discover that the person you’re head-over-heels interested in loves a good homemade & handmade dessert. What will you concoct when you have this person over?

Lindsay: “Pumpkin cookies.”

Becca: “Brownies.”

What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?

Lindsay: “I don’t own that much but probs my dog.”

Becca: “My savings.”

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Lindsay: “When I can hear people chewing gum/chewing their fingernails in class.”

Becca: “When people make a mess when they eat.”

Would you eat a worm for $1,000?

Lindsay: “Probably.”  

Becca: “No.”

If you could choose to stay one age forever, what age would you choose and why?  

Lindsay: “Mid or late 20s because your body is still in peak health but you’re also old enough to do what you want and not be treated like a child.”

Becca: “22, because you’re an adult but you’re also at the age where it’s acceptable to enjoy life and have fun.”

Would you rather lose your sense of hearing or smell?

Lindsay: “Smell.”

Becca: “Smell.”

What do you want people to remember you by in 200 years?

Lindsay: “Doing sick kickflips on my skateboard.  Jk I don’t own a skateboard maybe saving the planet or something?”

Becca: “How nice I was to people.”  

What would you want to be voted best at?

Lindsay: “Doing sick kickflips on my skateboard.”

Becca: “Being awesome.”

Would you rather eliminate hunger and disease or be able to bring lasting world peace?

Lindsay: “World peace, which would probably make it easier to eliminate hunger and disease.”

Becca: “Hunger and disease because it would lead to more world peace.”

What’s one thing you would do if there was no repercussions or consequences from doing it?

Lindsay: “Go to whatever college I want regardless of tuition costs.”

Becca: “Choose to not go to college but still make a lot of money.”

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