New Year, New Me?

Every January 1, people around the world celebrate the start of the new year. Some promise themselves to change for the next year, so they can be happier or so they start their year on a good note. But are these resolutions really necessary? Do they make a difference?

A young onlooker watches the festivities of the 2016 New Year celebration in New York Times Square. Photo courtesy of Google Images.

Many people believe that New Year’s resolutions are an essential part of the New Year tradition and for the beginning of the year. According to a recent poll on, roughly 45 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions and 17 percent infrequently make resolutions. Senior Jake Melton described resolutions as “fundamental to the improvement of the individual, be it physical or mental.”

Melton made a resolution to attempt to stay close to his best friends at SHG after he graduates. Resolutions do not have to be difficult or stressful. As long as a goal is set, it can be accomplished.

However, many people do not make New Year’s resolutions. Whether for personal reasons or the belief that resolutions do not change people, 38 percent of Americans never make goals for the new year.

I personally know many people who did not make resolutions. In my friend group, over half of them did not make a resolution. “Usually when I make them, I don’t follow them,” said junior Calyn Reardon. Of all the Americans who make resolutions, eight percent will succeed and 49 percent of them will infrequently accomplish their goals. Although Reardon did not make a resolutions this year, she still thinks that they are important “because they motivate people to set goals for themselves.”

So why make a resolution? People who make New Year’s resolutions are 10 times more likely to accomplish their goals than those who do not make resolutions.

New Year’s resolutions are good for everyone. It is fun to set goals and it is satisfying to achieve them. Not all goals have to be set at the beginning of the year, so enjoy 2016 and set some goals for yourself.

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